Friday, April 17, 2020

Earth Day 2020!

Environmentalists rejoice! Earth Day 2020 is right around the corner. With the unprecedented craziness of a global pandemic bringing some aspects of daily life to a standstill and promoting a new normal that many of us are still adjusting to and coming to terms with, it would be easy for the environment to be put on the backburner, as it so often is in our capitalism-driven, consumer-focused, busy society. However, with the closure of much of the economy and millions unemployed, for most of us, we are left with perhaps more time than we otherwise would have to celebrate Earth Day this year and reflect on our relationship—both personally and as a larger humanity—with the planet on which we reside.

The first Earth Day occurred 50 years ago on April 22, 1970 and marked the birth of the modern environmental movement. The annual event began in the United States with Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, a senator from Wisconsin, generating an idea of a “national teach-in on the environment” and subsequently organizing a national taskforce of 85 individuals to promote events—massive demonstrations across the nation—to protest the deterioration of the environment. The event became a global affair in 1990 and has since been observed in more than 190 countries. More information on the origins of Earth Day can be found at the

Although Earth Day historically mobilizes individuals to partake in rallies, protests, and demonstrations, this year, for obvious and aforementioned reasons, Earth Day will look a little different.  While circumstances won’t allow for attending climate marches, protests, or group beach clean ups, there are still ways to honor and celebrate Earth Day this Wednesday, April 22nd.

Here are five ways to celebrate:

1. Adopt a “green” resolution
There is perhaps no greater way to celebrate a day meant to demand respect and sustainable action for our planet than to take sustainable action yourself. The entire premise of this blog is to promote environmentalism in everyday life, so take a look back at previous posts for inspiration. Some ideas include:

  • Adopt a vegetarian or vegan diet to reduce consumption of animal products
  • Take shorter showers
  • Switch out your laundry detergent, dish soap, shampoo, etc. for non-toxic, environmentally-friendly, plant-based alternatives
  • Start washing your clothes in cold water and hanging them up to dry
  • Switch to reusable straws, water bottles, and grocery bags to eliminate plastic pollution
  • Start a compost to divert organic materials from the landfill

2. Tune in to Earth Day online
For the first time in its history, Earth Day is going digital. Check out Earth Day Live to find digital events and explore additional activities.

3. Pick up trash outside
Many seasonal roadside clean up events have been cancelled. However, while you’re out on your solitary walks, consider bringing a garbage bag along to pick up the roadside refuse that has unfortunately accumulated throughout the winter. Walking along my road today I encountered lots of discarded beer bottles, cans, and wrappers. You better believe I’m going to head out there next Wednesday, bag in tow, to help clean up in celebration of Earth Day!

4. Honor the Earth with Art!
This suggestion is perhaps more on the creative and whimsical side of things, but creativity and whimsy are cornerstones of effective environmentalism (at least, I believe so). So, in honor of Earth Day 2020, consider painting a watercolor of your favorite nature spot, or make a collage to celebrate your love of the outdoors, or draw your rendering of a sustainable, harmonious earth. You could even re-purpose trash to make art. The possibilities are endless. If you need some inspiration, check out these articles for 34 Earth Day Crafts with Recycled Materials  and Trash Art Ideas

5. Get outside!
It is Earth Day, after all. Get out there and enjoy and connect with the Earth which we are celebrating and fighting to protect. Many shelter-in-place / lockdown orders make exceptions for outdoor activities. If you are able to do so safely and locally (maintaining 6ft of distance, staying close to home, avoiding crowds, and engaging in low-risk activities), then go for a hike, put together a picnic, grab the canoe or kayak, or simply put on some shoes and get outside.

I hope you will join me in celebrating Earth Day this Wednesday, April 22. Whether you decide to adopt a green resolution, attend a digital event, create some art, take a hike, or celebrate in some other manner, let me know how it goes in the comments section below. I wish you all a happy Earth Day and continued luck on your journey toward greener living.
