Saturday, March 21, 2020

Stream Green During Quarantine

Hello hello Greener Living readers!

I do apologize for my prolonged absence. I have no legitimate excuse, except to say that my life simply got in the way. However, due to the current COVID-19-induced climate of social distancing and self isolation, I am not only out of work, but out of a social life as well, leaving me with plenty of time to write.

I do not mean to underscore the severity of this pandemic, but merely to write on the matter from my perspective. Living and working in a resort town that has since come to a standstill, with restaurants, hotels, ski mountains, and just about every other business you can think of shutting down, my reality and the reality of those around me consists largely of being home without much to do.

On the one hand, the Coronavirus has had a surprisingly beneficial impact on the environment. With global travel coming to a standstill, many factories and industries shutting down, and economies being stalled, emissions and pollution levels have dropped substantially. Fossil fuel use has been curtailed as individuals work from or remain at home. With this stay-at home mentality, and in some instances, mandate, coupled with widespread unemployment and financial uncertainty, people aren’t going out to eat, shop, or consume like they used to. The situation, like most things, is nuanced with home energy usage increasing and the potential for emissions to skyrocket once economies rebound. However, for the time being we are living in a period of less travel, less consumption, and less environmental degradation.

To read more about how the Coronavirus is impacting the environment, I suggest checking out these articles courtesy of CNN and Scientific American.

In the meantime, if you’re stuck at home with nothing to consume but a dwindling supply of canned
goods and a slew of content available on various streaming services, I’d like to offer up the idea of watching environmental content to both educate and inspire in these troubling times.

Here are Greener Living’s top picks for “green” content to stream during quarantine:

1. Tidying Up with Marie Kondo
In a series of inspiring home makeovers, world-renowned tidying expert Marie Kondo helps clients declutter their homes and their lives!

Available on Netflix
1 season, 8 episodes (~30-40 minutes each episode)

This show speaks to the tenets of minimalism and less-is-more mentality. Who knows? It may even inspire you to do some tidying up during this quarantine.

2. Tiny House Nation
This series celebrates the "tiny house" movement. Hosts and renovation professionals John Weisbarth and Zack Giffin travel across America to show ingenious small dwellings and their creative inhabitants.

Available on Netflix and Hulu Live
2 seasons, 7 episodes each (~40 minutes each episode)

Both informative and inspiring, this series is a great introduction to the Tiny Living movement and the increased financial freedom and decreased environmental impact that often accompany and inform a family’s decision to live “tiny.”

3. Chasing Coral
In this Netflix original documentary, divers, scientists, and photographers around the world mount an epic underwater campaign to document the disappearance of coral reefs.

Available on Netflix
1h 29min

Self-labeled as controversial and investigative,  this film offers an opportunity to learn about one of the world’s most unique and threatened ecosystems.

4. Terra
This visually striking documentary explores our relationship to other living creatures as humanity becomes more isolated from nature.

Available on Netflix, YouTube
1h 37min

Provocative and inspiring, this documentary reminds us of the interconnectedness of all things while urging us to reconnect with nature.

5. Life Off Grid
Life Off Grid is a two-year journey exploring the lives of Canadians in every province and territory who have made the choice to disconnect. Life off Grid is a film about people who have chosen to build their lives around renewable energy, with beautiful, inspiring, and often challenging results.

Available on Amazon Prime
1h 25 min

A great option for those of us interested in learning more about alternative sources of renewable energy, off-grid living, and self-sufficiency.

6. Climate Warriors
This documentary showcases those advocating for rapid, systemic change in the face of the devastating effects of climate change. Specifically, these climate warriors are advocating for renewable energy as a way to save our planet and maintain our humanity and peace.

Available on Hulu
1h 26min

Emotionally-charged and politically provocative, this film will get you amped up and ready to join the revolution of activists demanding change in the name of our planet’s longevity and sustainability.

7. Cowspiracy 
This hard hitting film follows the journey of Kip Andersen, an endearing, man-bun clad environmentalist inspired by Al Gore’s 2006 An Inconvenient Truth, who is hell-bent on getting answers as to why the environmentally destructive impacts of animal agriculture were being overlooked and under-emphasized by environmental advocacy groups.

Available on Netflix
1h 30 min

As detailed in my earlier post on Plant-Based Diets, this film promotes an anti-meat / anti-animal product platform, challenges individuals to reconsider their everyday habits and lifestyle choices, and uses an impressive array of statistics to back up their claims.

8. Love Your Garden
Similar to Extreme Makeover Home Edition, famed horticulturist Alan Titchmarsh hosts this uplifting show in which he and his team travel the U.K. planting dream gardens for deserving citizens.

Available on Netflix
1 season, 8 episodes (~ 45 minutes each episode)

Admittedly, environmental documentaries can be dark, depressing, and emotionally exhausting at times. However, this delightful show offers some heartfelt, feel-good viewing that will hopefully inspire you to make the most of your outdoor spaces and plant a garden come spring.

9. The Lorax
This adaptation of Dr. Suess’s beloved book delves into the story of the Lorax, once the gruff guardian of the forest, and the Once-ler, who let greed overtake his respect for nature.

Available on YouTube, iTunes, Amazon (for rent)
1h 35 min

This film is a particularly good choice for children. After all, it’s never too early to start cultivating respect and stewardship for our planet!

10. Minimalism 
This documentary showcases the lives of minimalists from all walks of life who have ultimately rejected the American ideal that things bring happiness.

Available on Netflix
1h 18 min

While it’s not the most riveting documentary on the market, it does offer insightful commentary and promotes important introspection on what we truly value and need in our lives. Perfect for those looking to reduce waste in their everyday lives!

I know you have a lot of choices when it comes to content to be streamed. And with our country and planet in various forms of lock-down and quarantine, you now might find yourself with an abundance of time in which to consume this content. It is my hope that with this compilation of suggested viewing you will take the time to focus on the environmental issues and triumphs facing our planet. The shows and films on this list were selected to be thought provoking, educational, and ultimately inspiring.

If you watch these shows/films and would like to offer your opinions and reviews, please feel free to do so in the comments section below. Likewise, if you have other films or shows you would recommend, let us know what they are and where we can find them!

In the meantime, I sincerely hope you all stay safe, sane, and strong out there. And as always, best of luck on your journey toward greener living.
